Canberra JETAA Inc E-mail for Week Ending 24th September 2010

NO MORE GYOZA, for another year or so at least.

  • Nara Candle Festival: The Aftermath!
  • Conversation Partner Needed
  • A Request From a Recent Returnee
  • O-Shaberikai
  • Sakura, Sakura, Sakura
  • News from Japan

Nara Candle Festival: The Aftermath

That’s right folks. It’s all over. The Nara Candlefest has come and gone for another year. Last year was rough. I’m told that we were selling bags of frozen gyoza to break even. This year however, was a complete blowout. We had a line stretching to infinity and beyond from the time the gates opened until 9:30.

A HUGE thank you to all those who came out and volunteered, especially those who stayed for longer than their assigned shift. We made around $2,500.00 for upcoming JETAA Canberra events. Special thanks to Tomo, Diana, and the gents from CLAIR Sydney who came out to help as well. We truly couldn’t have done it without you!

As for your serving president; after six and a half hours of standing by a grill I went home and went to bed. When I closed my eyes all I could see was grilling gyoza and smoke. If anyone asks me for meat gyoza before next year I may cry. Hey, at least I was warm when the sun went down.

A Chance to Improve Your Japanese

Would you like to brush up on your Japanese and help with English conversation exchange?

Mr Yuichi Hamada, the Second Secretary at the Embassy of Japan, would like to practise his English and is looking for a conversation exchange partner once or twice a week, for about an hour per session. If you are interested, please contact Mr Hamada via e-mail at the following address:

Shinobue Flute Anyone?

The following was posted recently by Clair Dupont, who has recently returned from Fukushima-ken. If anyone is interested, or knows of anyone who might be please let Clair know.

Hi! My name is Clair Dupont

I have just returned from being on the JET program for two years working in Fukushima Prefecture, Iwaki City&. I am now back living in Canberra.

I’m looking for anyone that is interested/who can play the Shinobue Flute. I have been playing for 6 months in Japan and would love to find someone in Australia to play with. The Shinobue Flute can also be played with the Guitar, Drums and Koto. There are 12 different sizes. I have 4 out of the 12. I also have lots of music. Or even if you are a flute player, it may be possible to play the shinobue flute.

Fill free to contact me on my email address ( with any questions and/or if you would like to make a group. Or my mobile number is 0421 634 308.


Clair 🙂


A bit early this time around, but I wanted to be sure to give folks time to plan.

We will be hosting our monthly O-Shaberikai at Coo on the 6th of October from around 6pm. Recently we have had a great turn out at these events with about an even split between native English and native Japanese speakers.

Coo does a pretty good spread so come on out for a chat. Please RSVP with me ( by NOON 4th October so we can give Aizawa-san numbers for the reservation. We had a large group last time so do please RSVP so we can give an accurate count.

Sakura, Sakura, Sakura

Though the blossoms have started to fade at ANU this weekend is the Sakura Matsuri in Cowra. There is also a memorial ceremony on Sunday morning to commemorate those who died on both sides during WWII for those who might wish to attend.

“Our friends from the AJS (Cowra) are once again hosting the Sakura Matsuri Festival at the Cowra Japanese Gardens on Saturday 25th andSunday 26th September. All guests and visitors are welcomed and the gardens should look a picture this year after the improved rainfall.Further details can be obtained by calling the Gardens on 63412233.
Details of the festival can be found on the website”

News from Japan

A little something from some western news outlets this week.

First the Australian

Man I wish the U.S. could do this.

Tokyo – “JAPANESE officials have delayed Paris Hilton at Tokyo’s Narita airport while they decide whether she will be admitted to the country after pleading guilty to a drug charge in Las Vegas.”

And a bit of the ol’ BBC.

Tokyo Vice Shakes Up the Big Fellas

Tokyo – “Japan’s scandal-hit sport of sumo has vowed to cut all ties with the yakuza gangsters ahead of the basho, or tournament, now taking place in Tokyo. But has irreparable damage already been done?”

Have a good week folks!


Adam C. Gastineau
President JETAA Canberra

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Canberra JETAA Inc E-mail for Week Ending 28 August 2010

A bit more meat this week. RSVP for O-Shab by NOON Tuesday, 31st August.

  • JETAA Canberra Committee Meeting
  • Nara Candle Festival Planning Continues
  • A Chance to Improve Your Japanese
  • O-Shaberikai
  • Sakura, Sakura, Sakura
  • News from Japan

JETAA Canberra Committee Meeting

On August 22nd (also known as “last Sunday”) we held a committee meeting to discuss planning for this year’s Candle Festival. Thanks to Amanda for hosting!

In the interest of full disclosure (Tony, take notice. If I can do it, so can you.), the rest of the team held the meeting. Your serving president explored the wilds of rural NSW after missing the turnoff to Amanda’s house. I discovered two cattle farms I didn’t know existed and found that a Toyota Corolla hatchback does quite well on dirt roads.

Thanks to everyone who came out! In addition to the Candle Festival upcoming JETAA activities including our annual trivia night and possibly a movie night at the embassy were discussed so WATCH THIS SPACE!

Nara Candle Festival Planning Continues

The planning for the annual Nara Candle Festival continues.

This year the festival will be held on the 18th of September and we’re hoping for better weather than last year! As per the previous newsletters this is Nara’s 1300th anniversary which means that we are going to need as many volunteers as possible so keep the date open on your calendars.

It looks like we will need people from 1pm to 10pm (including set-up and tear down). We are doing Gyoza again this year which means we will need both grill people and sales, so if you have some time on Saturday contact Amanda to get your name on the roster ( For those who help out, we’re planning on doing something the day after as well, but plans for that are still in the works.

A Chance to Improve Your Japanese

Would you like to brush up on your Japanese and help with English conversation exchange?

Mr Yuichi Hamada, the Second Secretary at the Embassy of Japan, would like to practise his English and is looking for a conversation exchange partner once or twice a week, for about an hour per session. If you are interested, please contact Mr Hamada via e-mail at the following address:

Speaking of improving one’s Japanese/English skills….


That’s right folks, its that time of month again.

We will be hosting our monthly O-Shaberikai at Coo on the 1st of September (next Wednesday) from around 6pm. Recently we have had a great turn out at these events with about an even split between native English and native Japanese speakers.

Coo does a pretty good spread so come on out for a chat. Please RSVP with me ( by NOON TUESDAY 31st August so we can give Aizawa-san numbers for the reservation.

Sakura, Sakura, Sakura

The Sakura have begun to bloom on ANU campus giving your serving president an urge to buy the three B’s (Beer, Bento, and Blue Tarp) and set up camp in the middle of campus to enjoy the blossoms properly. As this would probably be frowned upon by campus security our friends at AJS Canberra have an alternative less likely to cause civil unrest.

“Our friends from the AJS (Cowra) are once again hosting the Sakura Matsuri Festival at the Cowra Japanese Gardens on Saturday 25th andSunday 26th September. All guests and visitors are welcomed and the gardens should look a picture this year after the improved rainfall.Further details can be obtained by calling the Gardens on 63412233.
Details of the festival can be found on the website”

News from Japan

I’m going with this week.

Top Model Fans – The Final Four go to Tokyo

“Recently, the final four girls spent a week in Tokyo, living it up in a suite at the Hilton Tokyo. The episode involving their Tokyo sojourn will air in mid-September (Tokyo residents will be able to view snippets on YouTube.)”

Politics Politics Politics: DPJ Race Heats Up

“TOKYO-Japan’s business executives called on the government Thursday to prioritize economic stimulus steps as they are concerned that Japan’s economy could be hurt if Democratic Party of Japan heavyweight Ichiro Ozawa’s decision to challenge Prime Minister Naoto Kan in the party’s leadership race leads to division within the governing party.”

See you next Wednesday!

Adam C. Gastineau
JETAA President

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Photos from August Oshaberikai

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.961757&w=425&h=350&]

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Photos of JET Farewell 2010

Photos by web master, Jul 20, 2010

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.961758&w=425&h=350&]

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Canberra JETAA Inc E-mail for Week Ending 25 June 2010

This is the first weekly e-mail I am attempting in the new role of President of Canberra JETAA. For those who don’t know, my name is Adam Gastineau and I will be serving as president in the coming year. A huge thank you to Murray for his 5 years of leadership, and a thank you as well to Nicola et al for helping to bring me up to speed. I look forward to meeting you all at our next event, so lets get to it!

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