ALT Survey – Factors influencing the job satisfaction of TESOL Assistant Language Teachers in Japan


QUT PhD student Taka Yokoyaka has asked for assistance with a survey of current or past ALT’s.  Please note that this survey is not limited to JET Programme ALT’s.  Any ALT’s with experience teaching in Japan are welcome to take the survey.

The purpose of the project is to explore the relationship between and influence of demographic and academic background, work experience and job satisfaction on the perceived job satisfaction of Assistant Language Teachers, engaged in Teach English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) in Japan.

Full instructions and information are available in the PDF below, but also appear before you take the survey.  If you wish, you can provide your details at the end of the survey for a follow up phone interview.  You DO NOT have to provide your details at the end of the survey if you don’t want to .

I did the survey and it only took about 15mins.


Tanka Poetry

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March Oshaberikai and JPN Societies Get-Together, Tue Mar 6


As most people probably now know, Coo Izakaya AND Iori restaurants are out of action due to the fire at the Sydney Building last week. This is a catastrophe for the owner of both restaurants, Aizawa-san, and his staff.

Aizawa-san has been very generous to JETAA Canberra, Australian Japan Society ACT (AJS) and the Canberra Japan Club (CJC) over the years. He has donated meals as raffle prizes for many of our functions. Our JETAA monthly Oshaberikai has been held in Coo for quite a few years.

After discussions between the Committees of our three organisations, we have decided to hold a joint function at Aizawa-san’s other restaurant, Iori Plus, on Tuesday, 4 March at 6:30pm. We have been looking for ways to forge stronger relations between the groups and this will be a great chance to meet some new people who share a similar passion for Japan!

Please note this is a change from our usual “first Wednesday of the month” until we can organise a new regular restaurant.

The cost of the meal will be $30 per person (Iori Plus’s $30 banquet). We have had the banquet before and trust us, you will not be disappointed and we would suggest a light lunch!

JETAA Canberra will also be providing some beer, wine or soft drinks for tables as a goodwill gesture.

The maximum capacity of Iori Plus is 80 people and we are expecting a decent turnout from each group, so RSVP’s by Friday 28th February for this Oshaberikai are a must. First come, first served!

Where: 1st Floor Deakin Soccer Club, 3 Grose Street, Deakin, 2600
Date Tuesday, 4th March 2014
Time From 6:30pm
Cost $30 for the banquet
Why Oshaberikai and meet up with our fellow Japanese Societies and Clubs
Web    (if you aren’t a member, just ask for an invite.  Any last minute changes will be posted to the Facebook Group.)

If you have any questions about the dinner, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Hope to see you there!

Ja ne!

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Shinnenkai BBQ date change due to bad weather

Apologies for the late update, but unfortunately the boffins at the Bureau of Meteorology raised our hopes with talks of “scattered showers” today.

Never fear though, we have rescheduled the BBQ for next Sunday, 23rd February, same time same place.

Where: Nara Park/Lennox Gardens down by the water opposite the Yacht Club
Date Sunday 23rd February 2014
Time From 5:00pm
Why (Belatedly) celebrate the New Year with friends
Web    (If you aren’t a member, just ask for an invite.)
Food and Drink JETAA Canberra will be providing a couple of cases of Japanese beer, sausages, bread, condiments and some soft drinks (ramune!!). It would be great if you can bring a plate to share or some soft drinks

RSVP’s would be very much appreciated so we can ensure we have enough food and drink.  There is nothing worse at a barbecue than the sausage/bread/drink ratio being wrong!

The weather may not play well with us (again), so if you are interested in coming please consider joining the Facebook Group as that is where will be posting updates or postponement details.

NB, given the location, the closest parking is probably on Flynn Place near the roundabout or there is a parking lot on Alexandria Drive near the roundabout.


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Shinnenkai – More beer! More food! Feb 16th

It’s a little late, but with January being so busy for everyone how about a barbecue to catch up?

Please note: Any last minute changes will be posted to the Facebook group to avoid spamming your email accounts – or click the Facebook icon over there on the right.

Where: Nara Park/Lennox Gardens down by the water opposite the Yacht Club
Date Sunday 16th February 2014
Time From 5:00pm
Why (Belatedly) celebrate the New Year with friends
Web    (If you aren’t a member, just ask for an invite.)
Food and Drink JETAA Canberra will be providing a couple of cases of Japanese beer, sausages, bread, condiments and some soft drinks. It would be great if you can bring a plate to share or some soft drinks

RSVP’s would be very much appreciated so we can ensure we have enough food and drink.  There is nothing worse at a barbecue than the sausage/bread/drink ratio being wrong!

The weather may not play well with us, so if you are interested in coming please consider joining the Facebook Group as that is where will be posting updates or postponement details.


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Tanka poetry night – Wed March 5th


at Manning Clark House
Arthur Circle, Forrest
on Wednesday evening March 5th
from 7-9pm

The launch of two new anthologies:
by Dr. Carol Hayes
by David Terelinck

Also bilingual readings from ‘THE MUSIC OF TANKA’
by poet Noriko Tanaka and company visiting from Japan, with Amelia Fielden & Saeko Ogi

together with musical items by Rupert Summerson on shakuhachi

A light supper will be provided

All welcome
Admission: members of MCH free; non-members $10.00

Where: Manning Clark House, Arthur Circle, Forrest
Date Wednesday evening March 5th
Time 7-9pm
Admission Members of MCH free; non-members $10.00
Food A light supper will be provided
Flyer Tanka Poetry
More info


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Australia-Japan Foundation 2014-15 grant applications now open

The Australia-Japan Foundation’s Grant Program for 2014-15, for projects commencing between 1 July 2014 and 30 June 2015, is currently open.

Grant applications can be submitted up until Friday 4 April at 1900 (AEST) or 1700 pm (Japan) using the smartygrants – online application form.

Australia-Japan Foundation (AJF) grants are intended to provide seed funding for innovative proposals relevant to the objectives and key themes of the AJF (listed below). These include proposals which demonstrate the potential for the development of long-term links between individuals and institutions in Australia and their counterparts in Japan. In addition to the objectives and themes set out below, the AJF Board continues to be interested in receiving grant applications for proposals that aim to assist communities in the Tohoku region of Japan recover from the Greater Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami in March 2011.

As applications are assessed against the AJF funding guidelines, all applicants should familiarise themselves with these guidelines before submitting the online application for funding.

The online application form will only be available until Friday 4 April 2014 until 1900 pm (AEST) or 1700 pm (Japan). Enquiries may be directed to the AJF Secretariat on (02) 6261 3898 (Australia) or +81-3-5232-4065 (Japan) or email t at ( and

Dates for 2014-15 Grant Round
Closing date for submitting applications Friday 4 April 7pm AEST; 5pm Japan
Successful applicants notified pending confirmation of government funding allocation in mid-July 2014 Mid-July 2014
Unsuccessful applicants notified End of June 2014
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February Oshaberikai – Beer! Food! Feb 5th


Do you like Japanese food? Do you like Japanese Beer? Cannot resist the edamame and renkon chips at Iori restaurant? Come along and meet some like minded people.

Our monthly Oshaberikai event is on again next Wednesday night, 6th November (the first Wednesday of the month) at Iori restaurant in Civic.

Adam and Matt recently gave a talk to prospective JET’s at ANU as there is only one month to go for applications.  So, if you are a potential JET, come along and get the skinny on polishing your application.  If you are an alumni, come along so the noobs can pick your brains!

Where: Coo Izakaya, 15 East Row, Sydney Building, Civic
Date Wednesday, 5th February
Time From 6:00pm
Why Get together with lots of people with an interest in Japan and chat in English/Japanese about anything you like!
Web    (if you aren’t a member, just ask for an invite.  Any last minute changes will be posted to the Facebook Group.)

If you can’t speak Japanese come along anyway, we all speak English too …

For those who haven’t been before here’s how it works: You only pay for what you eat/drink.  JETAA Canberra provides the renkon chips and edamame.

If you have to leave early, just find your friendly JETAA officer and settle up with them.  Don’t forget to tell them what you ordered so we can check your order off the bill.

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Melbourne: Abenomics – Domestic Reform and the Revitalisation of Japan

Event Name Abenomics: Domestic Reform and the Revitalisation of Japan
Start Date 20th Feb 2014 7:00pm
End Date 20th Feb 2014 9:30pm
Duration 2 hours and 30 minutes

Professor Takatoshi Ito is one of Japan’s most authoritative and prolific commentators on the Japanese economy. A proponent of strong economic reforms in Japan, he has extensive experience both as an academic economist – he is currently Professor at the Graduate School of Economics and Dean of the Graduate School of Public Policy at the prestigious Tokyo University – and as an influential adviser to the Government of Japan.

He is member of a number of the key Councils set up to advise Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Taro Aso in their pursuit of Abenomics — or the Prime Minister’s signature plan for revitalisation of the Japanese economy through three arrows of aggressive monetary policy easing, continued fiscal stimulus and sweeping structural reforms.  Professor Ito was recently appointed to the newly-formed “Panel for Vitalizing Financial and Capital Markets” and concurrently holds many other advisory roles.

Professor Ito has also held senior positions at the Japanese Ministry of Finance, the International Monetary Fund, Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government and the Japan Centre for Economic Research. He has enjoyed a distinguished academic career and was awarded the Emperor’s Medal in 2011 for his exceptional academic achievement.  He is the author of several books on finance and economics including: The Japanese Economy, The Political Economy of the Japanese Monetary Policy, and Financial Policy and Central Banking in Japan and has written over 50 pieces in academic journals around the world  on international finance and the Japanese economy.

Few economists in Japan are better placed than Professor Ito to speak about Abenomics, and the potential revitalisation of the world’s third-largest economy – one that remains critically important to Australia’s future.


Asialink Members/Leaders Program and Alumni – $130
Non Members – $160

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JETAA Event: Bonenkai / 忘年会


Event: Bonenkai
Date: 11 December 2013 (Wednesday)
Place: Iori Restaurant, 41 East Row, Sydney Building, Civic
Time: From 6:00pm
Cost: $20 + drinks. JETAA Canberra will be subsiding the cost of the scrumptious banquet meals
RSVP: ASAP, numbers are limited to 30 people, so reservations are a must
Who: RSVP to


It’s that time of year again where we get together to eat, drink and forget the year just passed! Why not come along to Iori for some amazing food and company and help us celebrate and catch up friends, new and old?

We are finalising options for the menu as we speak, but whatever we eat, the most you will pay for food is $20!

Hopefully we will see some faces we haven’t seen for a while, so please RSVP as soon as possible to reserve your place.


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Event: Ryozo Shibata porcelain ware exhibition

21 Nov 2013 – 8 Dec 2013
Watson Arts Centre, Aspinall St, Watson, Canberra
Gallery hours: 10:00-4pm, Thur-Sun

Shibata composite (Medium)
Canberra Potters’ Society artist-in-residence Ryozo Shibata specialises in sometsuke, blue and white porcelain ware, in which he combines his skill in traditional techniques with contemporary forms.

During his residency Shibata has been exploring how differences in the materials, techniques and cultures of Japan and Australia can influence end products.

In this exhibition, which will show work produced during his residency alongside work that he made in Japan, Shibata hopes to provide an opportunity for appreciation of the different cultures of Australia and Japan and to promote mutual understanding of the two countries.

Ryozo Shibata Exhibition
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