- O-Shaberikai
- Softball
- Japan Expo
- AnnualGeneral Meeting
- Newsfrom Japan
The next O-shaberikai is scheduled to be held on will be held on Wednesday, 2 June 2010 at Coo Izakaya Civic from 6pm onwards. For those who don’t know, the O-Shaberikai is a very informal monthly get-together where Japanese people staying in Canberra can meet Australians who have some interest in Japan.
Thesoftball challenge was held last Saturday 15 May 2010 at Fellows Oval ANU. The Embassy of Japan team once again took the winner’s title. The JETAA, AJS andCJC team had some great games and played well. Thank you for your support.
We look forward to your participation and support at the next challenge which will be held in October.
Japan Expo
A Japan Expo promoting tourism in Japan will be held at King O’Malley’s 131 City Walk Canberra at 6:30pm on Tuesday 1st of June2010.
Bookings are essential. RSVP to James at japan@y7mail.com by Friday 31st of May 2010 if you are interested.
Annual General Meeting and lunch
The AGM will be held on Saturday 5 June at 11.30am, place to be advised.
The audited accounts of JETAA Canberra inc are now open for inspection prior to the AGM. Please contact nicola_sav)if you would like a copy.
A sushi lunch will be provided at the meeting so it would be appreciated if you could rsvp by Wednesday 2 June to the Treasurer, Nicola Savage (nicola_sav).
There are many opportunities to be involved with JETAA in the committee and subcommittees and it would be great to have you on board for our events such as the Canberra Nara Candle Festival, Trivia night, movie night, shinnenkai and Oshaberikai. We will also be helping out in June with pre-departure orientationf or new JETs.
News from Japan
No love in an elevator when riding with 80 people
Have a great weekend,
JETAA Treasurer
JETAA website –http://jetaacanberra.wordpress.com/
JETAAFacebook – http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=14590734021